4 thoughts on “ANZAC DAY – THEY DID IT ANYWAY!! Veterans Ignore Council and March!

  1. IN case you did not know the Bundaberg council REFUSED a permit for the Bagara hotel to open early for the usual Gunfire breakfast YESTERDAY so the corporations are in collusion aka councils. I agree pay no rates and see where these arsewipes end up. I belong to Telegram ie the scarlet pimpernel

  2. Outrageous! This is an example of how we all will be treated like cattle if devious corporate globalism is allowed to get total control of our world.

  3. It’s about time we started ignoring councils. No rates to be paid to councils who try to keep the public out of meetings! See how long they last if everyone refuses to pay rates!

  4. I left the country 11 years ago….I still support Anzac and all our diggers.
    Good on you..

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