2 thoughts on “Khrushchev’s 1960 Prophecy For The West is Now Fulfilled

  1. What the WHO, WEF, UN, and our Australian government are doing to us is criminal.
    Digital ID, passports, facial recognition, and currency will be the end of us ALL our FREEDOMs.
    We must unite to stop this sooner then later.

  2. Whereas knowing one’s rights may afford a degree of local protection from physical removal to a FEMA facility, I think we are more vulnerable to a financial assault from the international cabal. PayPal – I believe an instrument planned by the cabal over the years – issued a statement not that long ago – that one with a PayPal account may be fined up to US$2,500 for spreading misinformation. They will decide what is misinformation, and I expect one would have little opportunity to debate the issue with this internationally operating cabal. Personally I cancelled my credit card that was linked to PayPal. I heard that as a result of their new conditional policy, PayPal have been losing money, due to former clients no longer using that channel. Now we are seeing PayPal increasing their advertising to try to reverse their situation; but I suspect they might also influence other card issuers not linked to the PayPal system.

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