46 thoughts on “C-19 INJECTIONS NOW PROHIBITED – New ruling by Fair Work Commission

  1. this is good news however if you are not jabbed can they still sack you as you do not fit their criterion for the employer IE No Jab No job

  2. Doesn’t help those that had to get the jab when they didn’t want to, but had to so they could continue to provide for their family’s and them selfs and keep a roof over their head…. otherwise they could not work…

      1. Where do you join. The jab killed my wife. Family with young children demanded she be jabbed or not see kids. I have all documented including vaccine certificate. She hid it from me as I am anti-vax. She got first jab on my birthday. Second jab 5 weeks later! consequence Died 3 Months and 1 day later. I found her vaccine certificate the day the Queen died!

  3. Hi all, i was terminated after refusing to provide the company with my immunization records. They have asked me twice via email which i still have. Termination occurred exactly on due time set by Vic government which was 15/10/2021 and while on sick leave (stress). My GP have also refused to provide information on possible side affects and who will pay for potential health issues. I have lodged complaint with fair work who at the time advised that due to me being on probation the company does not have to have any reason for my termination especially for claiming discriminations based on my immunization status. Since that time i have straggled to find employment as not one company wanted to employ me based on my vaccination status and i can only imagine how it looks to other companies seeing my resume that i haven’t worked for last 9 months. Recently i have finally found some work on contract basis as other companies are still asking for vaccination records (despite gov dumping the mandate) i would appreciate if someone could let me know what i can do as i have nobody to turn to for help. Cheers

  4. So, if I understand correctly, it is okay to be mandated or coerced to get the jab, but only illegal for the injecting practitioner to proceed if advised of the coercion. I am hoping that there will be a ruling to come that any employer who threatens an employee to get jabbed is also a crime, maybe as an accessory to commit a criminal act of assault and battery by a practitioner.

  5. You only need to read the ruling to see that the case failed. Yes it is illegal to inject someone against their will, but you can coerce them and fire them for failing to comply.

    1. Tom, agreed. The fact that the case failed, doesn’t mean that people like Glenn and others can’t continue to challenge the rulings based on new knowledge and insights gleaned from earlier attempts. The gates to the fort are broken down only after repeated battering. But it’s become increasingly obvious that we now live in a Fascist state where the corporations wield the power over the people not the unlawful governments they created! One powerful, simple step we can all take is BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT. Unlike governments, businesses (corporations or otherwise) can’t survive without revenue or cash-flow.

  6. Ok so what about those young kids that were not jabbed because there parents had a brain that are ready to go into the work force but can’t because they have been told no jab no job what is going to happen about that I’m not just asking for my kids but many others that are in the same boat as my kids??

      1. Thank you Dee. We have had a number of requests seeking help on how to move this forward. Serene was one of the first to come to mind, but wasn’t sure how to contact her.

  7. This is a headline that is not the panacea everyone thinks it is.
    You either get jabbed or not. The problem is that while the ruling puts doctors on notice the FWC still stated that it was lawful and reasonable.
    Mandates continue at the behest of the corporations and rogue premiers so keep this in perspective. I have interviewed Glen on Club Grubbery many times. John and I will interview former Federal Court Judge Stuart Lindsay mid next week and he has a pretty rational in-sight into what’s happening in the judiciary.
    These are tough times and cool heads need to prevail. Graham Hood.

    1. Glad to see you’re on the ball Graham. However, I salute Glenn’s courage and persistence in driving through his interpretation of the determination resulting from his challenge to Jetstar. In my opinion, while there remains a glimmer of hope with any of these situations where the fraudsters working within their own fraudulent matrix are challenged let’s give Glenn and anyone else willing to stand up, every support we can. Cool heads are prevailing as is hope, determination and courage within the Australian community.

      1. Everything in this post has already been dealt with and put on the table in court cases and commissions. I have put forward all these points and conclusions as have others. They mean nothing.

        Look up non derogable rights on ag.gov.au and see there is an international treaty prohibiting everything that is taking place.



        People must realize the significance of a purported(appearing real though false) Government acting in contradiction to rights openly displayed on the website of the Attorney General. The judicial system is openly mocking the people.

        When the keepers of the law operate openly in breach of the law the people have a duty to stand for that which is lawful. Being complicit with unlawful actions is not excusable for the judiciary, law enforcement or the people.

        The imposition of the poisoning of humanity is instigated from a higher source than the courts, tribunals and commissions the public interact with. All the orders, directives, acts and statutes are taken to be lawful unless proven not to be in another “place”. This other “place” has to be above the satanic order followers who appear to be judges, commissioners etc, with the guise of authority but not actual authority.

        People must look to themselves as the answer.

        There is no solution within a criminal judicial system operating unlawfully with void regard for the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted which is the very document relied upon for their existence. Whereas the people are the supreme, absolute and uncontrollable power except when the people are looking for someone or something to come and save them.

        We have the evidence, we have the documentation but the people would rather beg their oppressor for relief than making a stand, maybe putting yourself at risk, and defying the unconstitutional criminal cabal led by enemies of the people.

        Doctors are being blackmailed into giving a death shot, but they are doing this rather than lose a dollar.How many dollars is your children’s potential future worth? You can only have what you can hold.

        People want freedom but they want someone to give it to them, really?

        Local councils, the judiciary and the enforcement through police and military are all under the control of those who are poisoning the population.

        We have the evidence of the fraud against the people being led by the politicians but will people take responsibility, read it, then stand as the supreme, absolute and uncontrollable power?
        It seems not.Complaining, crying and begging for relief rather than standing and taking action is the order of the day.

        The solution is up to the people and non-compliance with unconstitutional, unlawful criminal cabals. If you cannot see it now, you never will.

        Twice a week, Wednesday and Thursday nights from 7:30pm New South Wales time, zoom meeting link (https://zoom.us/my/loregroup) we demonstrate the fraud perpetrated by the unconstitutional political parties. We show the evidence of the unconstitutional changes to legislation and process of our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted carried out by unlawful corporations posing as a legitimate Government.

        Complaining to the school bully never stops the bully, you have to punch him in the stomach and watch the coward cry in front of those he has tormented. The evidence we have is overwhelming but the people are underwhelming.

        Do we deserve the freedom from overbearing Government which the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted provides? The actions of the people begging the oppressor to stop suggest not. I believe we are morally superior to the pharmaceutical industry and international cabal committing this decimation upon the populations of the world and people find it hard to believe this evil being paraded in front of us under the disguise with the persona of caring.

        We are being held prisoner by our lack of ability to accept the fact others do not possess our morality and are capable of the atrocities being committed.

        We are the change we are looking for.

        Silent weapons for quiet wars, war is being waged against us.

        Royal Commissions are a farce

        stephen lymbery

  8. Yeah finally some common sense and justice; why we couldn’t be all together against this alienation that is against families and life, why we couldn’t see that NO ACTION was the path rather than follow; “no action” ; no listen their filthy lies, no do, no go, no participate; no vaccinate at all, they can’t make money without us, they can’t control anything if we don’t allow them to do so. NO ACTION.

  9. Hi I’m having a meeting Tuesday 27th at 11.00 am to discuss my future as a nurse and midwife 36 years , 25 years at the same Melbourne hospital. They have allowed me to use all my leave the past 11months now all finished my leave. Thank you I will show them theses templates to help me not be terminated. Kind regards jackie.

      1. Lee, that’s a strange question when we know that Covid doesn’t exist and has never existed. Probably time you explored some of the articles on this site starting with Fall Cabal. Let’s please STOP perpetuating the Covid LIE!

  10. So when can we sue media for being pushers and coercion? We have no contract with them and yet they are in our living space every day. It’s unfortunately convincing too many to believe their consent should be valid due to constant barrage from media.

    1. “Enter-tainment” be careful what you allow to “enter” into your home.

      But yes, I think your on the money. They need to be accountable.

  11. I was sacked on sick leave and 1 day before my 15 yrs long service leave and had a risk assessment done on me by an executive manager without my knowledge or participation and was told I was high risk. Worked as team leader outside in shopping centres and parks and gardens, on local council, took them to Industrial relations for unfair dismal ?? Got nothing. What a joke. Did nothing wrong except not have a vaccine. How do all us “sacked people do a class action and sue ALL employers who sacked there staff for not having these experimental vaccines??? Anyone no???

      1. Maurice Blackburn are fully supportive of the jab and somehow justify it. Josh Bernstein is a full on lefty so I wouldn’t expect they could help

    1. Sorry to hear what happened to you Mark. There is a Barrister in Tasmania, Raymond Broomhall that may be able to help you get your unpaid long service leave. He was successful in getting the SANFL to drop all jab mandate requirements for playing sport. Sounds like you might have a case. I know the guy personally and he is excellent. At least email or call him and have a chat to see if you have any options. Warm regards, Susan

  12. C-19 INJECTIONS NOW PROHIBITED – New Ruling by Fair Work Commission https://www.justonefocus.org/breaking-news-c-19-injections-now-prohibited-new-ruling-by-fair-work-commission/ 

    Law Firm releases Bombshell Legal Opinion on alleged Illegal Control of Doctors Conduct – Senator Malcolm Roberts 

    Covid Inquiry 2 – Senator Malcolm Roberts https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/the-covid-inquiry-2-0/ 
    More >                                                              https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/category/covid/

    Concerned Lawyers Network                      https://www.concernedlawyersnetwork.net/   —–

    “GRAVE breaches” include:    Giving medical treatment/interventions/procedures  without obtaining freely given informed consent.                            BE WARNED!                                              Anna de Buisseret     U.K. Lawyer  https://t.me/robinmg/21881

    Victorian Government Elections are coming. For All our freedoms rights and choices vote for the Freedom Parties. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11223179/Dan-Andrews-proposes-new-nanny-state-rules-includes-fines-walking-trail-swimming.html

    And NEVER forget Victorian Government POLICE  BRUTALITY under the DANIEL ANDREWS LABOR DICTATORSHIP https://crazzfiles.com/never-forget-victorian-police-state-brutality-under-the-andrews-dictatorship/


    PROTESTS in Brisbane SUPPORT QUEENSLAND TEACHERS    – see story and Information Comments  https://crazzfiles.com/brisbane-protesters-rally-in-support-of-queensland-teachers/


    EVERY MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL SHOULD JOIN   AMPS Australian Medical Professionals Society. 
    The AMPS remains fully committed to defending your right to treat patients as you see fit and respect the enormous amount of medical training undergone to achieve this right. AHPRA and Government must be drastically limited in this space.  


    The People’s Health Alliance – For The People, by The People https://the-pha.org/


    See Article and all Information in Comments also. >  Information  on  Australian Government COOKING THE COVID BOOKS on Orders from WHO,  HOSPITALS WITH JAB/VACCINE INJURIES NOT COVID,   


    Download Information Papers >Mandates/Corruption/Conflicts of Interest and much more – SEE VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT COI PARTICULARLY

    Monkey Pox, Spanish Flu and much more 


  13. So what happens to us nurses & doctors treated like criminals & who were sacked by QLD Health? We suffer every day the humiliation & heart break caused by their barbaric enforcement of mandates… 34 yrs ED nurse to nothing overnight.

    1. This will be known as the greatest crime against humanity. I hope there will be justice, but not putting all my hopes in it.

  14. Hey Marek,
    I think this may open the door to compensation claims. It probably won’t happen over night – Rome wasn’t built in a day! Chin up – there is still hope!!

  15. So all of us that have been sacked and lost everything still are destroyed and made to suffer the Ongoing persecutions and losses incurred from the beginning and had fair work involved and yet we all just we just got done over and over again so nothing will happen to the companies that have been involved in destruction and degradation of our lives
    With no help or anything else ….. we got the shortest straw no compensation or anything didn’t we get the raw end of the stick and guess that’s not gonna change
    Awesome thanks

    1. This is another tool to help people defend and attack. With regard to the corporations, Glenn stated that he and his people have now lodged a case with Federal Court of Australia against Jetstar, Virgin and Qantas.Medico’s can now be sued for criminal medical negligence, and assault and battery where they were obligated at law to screen and determine if you were there under any pressure, coercion and manipulation to be injected. THEY VOID THEIR PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE IF THEY INJECT. THEIR HOME, CAR, MORTGAGE AND ALL ASSETS ARE AT RISK. So instead of sitting there expecting everyone else to do things for you, what do you plan on doing about it Marek?

      1. The problem I see is this may only help those NOW getting threatened. Those of us that have already been sacked, don’t have a leg to stand on. We cannot backtrack our letters to the doctors i.e we cannot go to the doctors and follow the instructions above if we were sacked over a year ago. Then approach our ex place of work as we have already been terminated.
        Then even if we did I can guarantee nothing will happen. I was a manager at Coles and they have already stated regardless of government ruling they will not be removing the mandate.
        Most of us have exhausted our savings and have nothing left to fight with. Lawyers are not cheap and I think we will be hard pressed finding anyone to fight this let alone for free long term.

        1. I was a Dept Mgr for 32yrs with ‘Bullies’ & was terminated for not taking the jab. I am disgusted & demoralised by the entire farce! They shafted us & left us rocking in the corner..! Disgraceful conduct!

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