4 thoughts on “UN/WEF Supported by Our Treasonous ‘Governments’- FOI Evidence!

  1. Why would anyone in their clear and moral mind, want to do anything with the psychopathic cult that wants to legalise pedophilia ?!

  2. I am encouraged by your positive words about the believed downward trends of “The Cabal”. I certainly hope you are right… but hope is not a method… we need collaborative cleverly planned and delivered action….s . REAL CHANGE requires REAL CHANGE…. we need to root out any surrepticious agreements made by our previous govts which were never consulted/negotiated and mandated by elections ie seemingly- ALL of them. I did notice some hesitancy in Morrison’s responses- heartening…. but there is & will be complete alignment by Lefty Albo- completely in idealist lockstep with one World WEF/UN and devoid of Australian nationbuilding Policies… rather they deliver only economically & environmentally destructive ones….

  3. Disgusting fascists traitors that need to be removed from society permanently under the Nuremberg Code.

    1. I absolutely agree with your assessment of the traitors and treasonous imposter employees of this corporate fraudulent government we have in Australia . I have been following what has been taking place against the people of Australia and not just since the inception of the fake virus which has never been isolated. So many people and families and their lively-hoods devastated, and that fact that they don’t give a fig about any of it. They just want a salary and all the perks and pensions that go with it. Walk away at the end of the day and move right on with their lives. Onward and upward while the rest of the people of Australia are left broken along with the economy , the pension funds and now the Superannuation and Future funds etc. Not mention the types of people that are those holding office in this bankrupt corporation. The theft and fraud and the and hideous crimes being committed by these obviously criminal types need to be stopped now, as we don’t time to let this go on. It is now or next move the UN/WEF and WHO with disgusting morals will take all the Australian people have worked their lives for. Including our lives and freedoms . Now not later please.

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