1 thought on “STOLEN ELECTION!! – Evidence of NSW Election Fraud!! P4 – Is This The Beginning of The End?

  1. I have to say blind Freddy could see the NSW Sate election was rigged, but of course we have to have proof!
    The other thing is how they altered our Constitution, to suit themselves no referendum , we never had a chance to agree with anything the thieving ■■■■s did. I was a 18 yr old back in early 1970 & I said it then but no one listened! I was shocked 12 yrs ago my 30yr old nephew said to me, “I never knew Aust had a Constitution” it floored me because when I went to school there were 2 main things we had to know our times table was 1 & the other was our Constitution, we were taught it was the one thing that would keep us free.

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