1 thought on “This Is Our Last Chance Australia! Our Final Stand To Remove Tyranny!!

  1. You’re all so brave and righteous to be sticking your necks out to save this once prosperous nation. I wish I could think of some other way to add to your efforts to get Australians to wake up to what’s going on.

    It’s made me lose faith in human intelligence to see so many being so easily influenced by the media and those who are using the media to corrupt our whole system.

    How to wake people up when they’re so emersed in our media lies?

    I’ve noticed a common thread amongst those in the community (eg the YES voters and the COVID vaccine takers) who very aggressively defend what is said in the media and what is said by current ‘so called’ leaders… The common thread is that they’re often very aggressive/unreasonable/intimidating about things in general. People who are more timid than them, go along with whatever they say due to feeling intimidated…fearful of being bullied, which I have to agree, they probably would be bullied.

    Also, they’re often the types who never take responsibility for any mistakes or issues which they’ve caused. Always ready to blame someone else. I hope this makes sense???

    Good luck dear warriors. Thank God for people like you.

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