11 thoughts on “‘Wake-up call’: China’s New Threat – Australian Politicians Sell Us Out

  1. Good. What are they gonna do without the million tonnes of steel they get from us? All their shitty products? No steel no products. Good riddens piss off @china

  2. Folks, we can stop this RIGHT NOW by turning to a culture of driving In-Country Value, by converting all our raw materials into QUALITY value added product. It will enable us to provide for all our local needs, kick-start our local manufacturing, drive real jobs and real wealth. It will also enable us to become a NET EXPORTER instead of importer. See this example by Price Waterhouse Coopers Qatar https://www.pwc.com/m1/en/publications/catalysing-in-country-value.html

  3. too right. If they want to trade with democratic countries, then they had better learn to put up with free speech and the expectations of those countries that there will be a high level of transparency in their dealings, and some not always welcome comment on their home affairs.

  4. The bigger the threats, the more they are trying to hide. Why doesn’t China want an investigation into the virus?Because they are guilty!!!
    Unfortunately for Australia and New Zealand, the greed for Chinese money has, for the last few decades, overshadowed any consideration of both countries futures. China had been passively invading the world for many years, both economically and via immigration. It must stop!!!
    If we ever needed the famed ANZAC spirit,it’s now. I’m not sure how, I’m just one person, but if we want some sort of future for our kids, let’s figure out a way we can move forward with minimal Chinese involvement in our lives.????????????????

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